Magnusson Enterprises
What We Offer
Strategy & Planning
With a variety of ways to accomplish goals, let us find the ones that are unique and personal to you, narrowing the focus to strategies with the biggest impact. This could be raising your profile in your industry, building an annual marketing plan for your team to execute on, or having us create & execute specific campaigns for you.
Digital Marketing
This can range from a detailed review of your digital presence to improve your ROI, to building digital campaigns or plans to hit specific goals. to creating your entire online presence from scratch. We also train teams on social media so not only will it be worthwhile, but you’ll understand all those annoying buzzwords people keep using.

Team Development
With our experience on both sides of the Sales and Marketing team dynamics, we fully understand the different needs & communication styles. We’ll work to align your teams so they not only work together, but perhaps even possibly enjoy each other.
If you don’t have Marketing staff yet, we’ll guide you through determining what you need internally and then interview, hire & build your Marketing team for you – so you get the right expertise for your team.
What We Do
Business Consulting
We know, that’s a really vague term that a lot of people are claiming to do these days. We promise we are not life coaches, will avoid buzz words as much as possible (there will be no “growth hacking”), and that we have hands-on experience from your side of the table. We’ve hired and fired consultants before, and we won’t waste your time or ours.
We work with clients in a variety of business segments and with over 18 years of experience, are excited to see how we can help your company really make an impact.
Egocentrism Over E-Mail: Can We Communicate as Well as We Think?
People tend to assume that their messaging is clear and everyone understands what they mean, the importance of it, and why it should matter to the reader. That’s a lot to assume though, so for comparison let’s look at something fairly basic like a study done on understanding sarcasm:
- % who think sarcasm in their emails will be understood 78%
- % who think they’ll ‘get’ the sarcasm in emails sent to them 90%
- % who accurately picked up on & ‘got’ the sarcasm in emails 56%
- If even sarcasm is misunderstood by half the recipients, how clear do you think your company’s purpose, differentiator, sales promotion, or general messaging are to your staff or clients? Unknown %